

远程医疗 服务 are available to students who are currently enrolled, 居住在俄亥俄州, and have been screened as being appropriate for mental health 服务 through 远程医疗. 此服务通过变焦进行.  


如果你目前没有接受咨询和心理服务(CPS)的服务,从下面开始 安排约会.

If you have a CPS counselor, contact your counselor via email to schedule.



  1. 安排约会
  2. 我们将通过您的俄亥俄电子邮件帐户与您联系,并指导您在首次远程医疗预约之前填写一份摄入问卷和适当的同意书.
  3. At your initial appointment, your counselor will verify your identity and your location.
  4. 初次预约后, 你和你的辅导员将决定后续预约是通过变焦还是亲自进行. 
  5. If you choose to have follow-up appointments via 变焦:  
    • 遵循这些 入门指南伯父.
    • Log in to 变焦 five minutes prior to the appointment to ensure it's working. Expect to receive an email with a 变焦 link to access the meeting. 点击链接后, you will be in the “waiting r伯父” and your counselor will join as soon as they are ready. 


  • Choose a confidential location and ensure no one else is present. Do not have a counseling session in a public location.   
  • 如果使用变焦,要有一个光线好的环境,让你的辅导员能很好地看到你. 非语言信号是人们交流的重要组成部分,可以帮助你和你的咨询师更好地沟通.
  • 确保你的环境不受干扰,并制定一个应对干扰的计划.g., a phone call, a pet, interruptions).
  • Have a back-up method in the event your technology fails.


Consent, 权利与责任  

  • To receive 远程医疗 服务 at Counseling and Psychological 服务 (CPS), you must be physically located in Ohio. 不得跨越俄亥俄州边界或在国际司法管辖区向 任何人 提供远程保健服务.  
  • 如果 你是 不是成年人, 需要获得 家长或法定监护人的许可 (以及他们的联系方式), 您 才能参加远程医疗.  
  • 学生必须符合接受辅导服务的一般资格标准,包括:  
    • 任何newbb电子平台的本科生或研究生,目前正在上课.
    • 本科生在本学期享受学费保证计划.  
    • Graduate students are covered under the Well-Being plan for the current semester. 
  • 远程医疗不应被视为医生面对面咨询或药物治疗的替代品. It is an alternative form of counseling with some differences from traditional counseling. 
  • Your CPS provider will determine if 远程医疗 服务 are appropriate.  
    • Not all mental health concerns are clinically appropriate for 远程医疗 服务. 如果你遇到了危机, 严重的精神病, 或者有自杀或杀人的念头, 远程医疗 might not be appropriate for your needs. 
    • 您的提供者将定期重新评估通过技术交付服务的适当性.  
    • Your provider may recommend the provision of in-person 服务 for specific concerns. 
  • 俄亥俄州以外的学生的服务请求目前仅限于电话咨询.  
    • 电话咨询将侧重于一些即时支持和帮助,以寻找当地的资源,以学生的区域. 
  •  It is your responsibility to maintain privacy on your end of communication.  
    • 任何您希望在虚拟访问期间在场的家庭成员或其他个人必须事先获得您的提供者的批准,并可能需要额外的同意.   
    • 所有出席虚拟访问的个人必须在摄像机的视野内,以便提供商知道谁是参与者. 
  • 您可以在任何时候拒绝远程医疗服务,而不会影响您获得未来的护理, 服务, 和福利. 
  • You shall not record 远程医疗 counseling sessions. 你的CPS顾问不会记录你的会话,除非你和你的顾问之间有书面协议——这只是为了监督目的.  未经您和您的咨询师之间的书面同意协议,您或CPS不得将远程医疗咨询互动中的任何个人身份图像或信息传播给其他实体. 
    • CPS使用 医疗保健变焦 -符合HIPAA的newbb电子程序 that does not allow recording of sessions. 

Missed Appointments or Cancellations

远程医疗咨询预约发生在您和您的提供者商定的时间. If you miss your scheduled appointment, you must contact your provider or the CPS main office at (740) 593-1616 to reschedule.


CPS采用多种措施来确保客户的保密性和隐私,从咨询师的角度来看. CPS讨论了学生应该采取的措施,以确保他们的保密和隐私.


  • Conduct the sessions in a private location where others cannot hear you. 
  • Use secure video conferencing technology, CPS使用 变焦 医疗保健 -符合HIPAA的newbb电子程序.
  • 不要记录会话. 变焦 医疗保健 does not allow recording of sessions. If your 变焦 meeting has a record option, please notify the counselor immediately. 
  • 密码保护您的电脑,平板电脑,手机和任何其他设备的唯一密码.   
  • 总是退出你的会话. 
  • Do not allow software to remember your password — sign in every time. 
  • 不要与任何人共享密码. 
  • Do not share devices when you are logged on to counseling software. 
  • If you wish to avoid others knowing that you are receiving counseling 服务, clear your browser’s cache (browsing history), and on your phone list your therapist by a name, rather than as “counselor or therapist”. 
  • 是否将所有设备设置为超时,要求您在设定的空闲时间后重新登录. 
  • 更新你的电脑. 
  • 使用防火墙和防病毒程序. 
  • Notify your counselor if you suspect any breach in your security. 


  • 为了保护客户或其他人免受迫在眉睫的危险,有必要披露; 
  • 在明显持续虐待儿童或虐待无法照顾自己的人的情况下; 
  • in those rare instances when courts subpoena counseling records.  


你的提供者需要知道你在咨询过程中一直在的位置或地址,并且需要知道这个位置是否发生了变化. 您和提供商将共同制定一个 计划 ,以便在发生紧急情况时遵循. Your provider will have access to the emergency contact plan information.  


  • Emergency contact name, phone number, and address 
  • Client’s phone number and current address, including county
  • 联系 information for your local crisis hotline 
  • 联系 information for local law enforcement 
  • 客户居住县精神健康危机服务提供者的联系信息 

During an emergency, do not contact your provider via 远程医疗. Your provider may not check messages outside the scheduled appointments.



  • Your  provider will determine if your technological capacity (e.g., 私人空间, 适当的设备和充分的互联网接入)和能力适合 远程保健服务.  
  • 所使用的所有技术都符合适用于提供商许可证的俄亥俄州行政法规, with the exception of email used for scheduling.  
    • CPS利用 缩放医疗保健- 符合HIPAA的技术.   
    • 客户和咨询师之间的所有通信都在安全的患者门户中进行, with the exception of email for scheduling purposes 
  • You must have a device that can access the internet, and to maintain the highest level of confidentiality, it is important that you are in a 私人空间 with a secured internet connection (e.g.,而不是公开或共享的连接).  
  • Preferred devices for clients to use when video conferencing are desktop computers, 笔记本电脑, 和平板电脑.



  • 的可能性, despite reasonable efforts on the part of the provider, 您的个人信息传输可能因技术故障而中断或失真;  
  • The transmission of your personal information could be interrupted by unauthorized persons; and the electronic storage of your personal information could be accessed by unauthorized persons.  

Other limitations include reduced quality of service due to the use of technology:

  • 视频通信可能缺乏一些视觉或音频线索,有时可能导致误解. 这种情况会发生吗?, it is important to assume that your counselor has positive regard for you, and to check out your assumptions with your counselor. This will reduce unnecessary feelings of discomfort. 
  • 在 服务中断的情况下,您的  提供者 将讨论技术故障的可能性和过程, anticipated response time to electronic communication, 替代服务交付, 以及预约和正常工作时间以外的电子通讯.  


最可靠的备份是手机. 因此, it is recommended that you always have a phone available, and that you provide your counselor with your phone number.  

If you get disconnected from a video conferencing session, restart the session. If you are unable to reconnect within ten minutes, call your counselor.